NOVI SAD 2021 is a platform for development of creative potentials of Novi Sad. This project should, above else, motivate and inspire both cultural workers and all citizens to re-examine current values and set new goals towards democratic cultural development of the city. Re-examination of modern identity of Novi Sad, revitalisation of cultural heritage, reconstruction of the existing and opening new spaces intended for culture, developing cultural participation of citizens, are just some of the priciples of cultural development that must be adopted in following seven years, on the way to winning this prestigious title.
Some of you may have read my paper delivered at the UNeECC Conference in Matera, Italy, in November 2019. It was entitled ‘Liverpool 2008 World Heritage Site(s): To Keep or To Lose’. It may be accessed via
Call for papers: Participations. Journal of Audience and Reception Studies:Themed section on participatory approaches to Capitals of Culture Editors of the themed section: Dr. Leila Jancovich, Leeds University, Dr. Louise Ejgod Hansen, Aarhus University and Professor Franco Bianchini, University of Hull.
Reasons to celebrate? What are the implications of pitching this potentially scene-changing opportunity as simply yet another ‘celebration’. In just over a couple of weeks, Valletta will officially become European Capital of Culturein 2018. The fruits of this particular labour having survived – in altered, some may even say mangled, form – across various elections and successive governments since 2011, it comes with both cultural and political baggage.